
Celebrating timbits of knowledge



Michael Bierut’s 100 Day Project, has inspired countless inspiring creations, insightful conversations and personal revelations. As a student in Debbie Millman’s MPS Branding Program, we were invited to craft our own 100 day project that connected with a human truth, an intriguing topic or a personal passion.

Living in Manhattan at the time, and with Canada‘s 150+ birthday coming up, I was curious to explore what it truly meant to be Canadian. From the the land of Timbits (or Tim Biebs), maple syrup lakes and Trudeau flow, to the rich Indigenous heritage that our country was built upon, I found being Canadian meant so much more than just being #nice or adding “eh” to the end of a sentense.

In my 150 day project, I highlight timbits of knowledge that only the most Canadian of Canadians know. Through this exploration I honed in on improving my illustration skills and passion for storytelling. You can view the project collection on Instagram.